Saturday, June 11, 2011


The Boss.
Now unfortunately ex-boss, he has returned to Australia and will be sitting on the beach at Noosa Heads right around the time I am writing this from my lounge room in Saudi Arabia.
Phil was the man, schooled me into life in Saudi Arabia, schooled me in squash (although he did let on that he was once junior squash champion 2 days before he left), always had a thousand stories to tell, and something cheeky to say to all. He first came here when he was 23, which happens to be the same age I was when I arrived. He vows this last 2 year stint in Saudi he has now completed will be his last. Phil was always keen for a bbq and late night talks about 80s and early 90s pop rock, I may have pretended to know what he was talking about or more than one occasion. A night out with Phil always concluded the same and at roughly the same time 2am was Phil's limit and at precisely then he would fall asleep anywhere! One night he left his camera on the table and as the night concluded as it always did I sneakily snapped some shots off with his camera, ran to my house uploaded them on my computer, deleted all evidence that said photos had been taken and carefully placed his camera back on his living room table. There was a hint of a tear in his eye when I presented the photos framed to him the day before he left.
Farewell Phil.

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