Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Samoa 2008...

To say I 'don't like' heights is a massive understatement, but with the lack of waves Samoa was offering diving off an 8meter cliff seemed like a good idea.

The waves never really did it in Samoa when I was there, but living in an open walled palm frond shack right on the water for a couple of weeks was pretty rad.

The Golfy 2007...

Gavin Nethery.

Gav, Rohan, Myself and The Golfy/Shitties May 2007.
One of my favourite sessions of all time, it was small and it was closing out but it was pitching like you wouldn't believe and there was only the three of us out there trading waves, abuse and laughs. So dreamy.
I definitely spent more time at this place than I did studying for my nursing degree.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Backcountry Yosemite N.P.

Mt. Hoffman.
Backcountry map check.

Go to Yosemite but don't go to the Yosemite Valley until you've sampled the backcountry. Get out of the crowded tourist infested valley, take your backpack, bear spray, bear proof canisters, some camping gear and get lost. It is literally unbelievable. The granite formations guarantee to blow your mind. We climbed Mt Hoffman which is just shy of 11000feet, from up there you can literally cast your eyes over the whole park.
If only I had a decent camera to do this place justice!
Kinda glad I don't but in a way, its one of those places you really need to go and see for yourself.

People of America...

The Homeless in Colorado...
God Bless America.
Warped Tour. Soundwave whatever...
The Kings of Long Island Patty and Muff
Party with these guys be prepared to lose your car, sanity, girlfriends and not turn up to work until Wednesday. You'd be crazy not to.

New York City...

Central Park, the place where quiet times amidst 8.3million people can still be found.

Brooklyn Bridge
Maryn Azoff American Idol sensation schooling me in how to hold a note.
I love NYC.

It was summer time July/August 2010 and it was HOT!
I love NYC, anything is possible here, where else can you walk in off the street to a random bar pick up a guitar and play a set and have a lovely girl from American Idol backing you?
The musical talent in NYC amazed, even the guy drumming on upside down buckets in the subway was insanely talented, if he had a real kit screw the band I would be paying to just see him play the skins.
The pizza in New York is legendary it quickly became part of my daily diet. Haven't been able to take another pizza seriously since eating it here. Nothing compares.
Central Park was awesome, it was cool to find that in a city of over 8.3million people you could still find a quiet corner of a park to yourself.
I largely have my friend Andy to thank for the NYC good times, I hadn't seen Andy for 5 years since he was in Australia circa 2005, the lad put me up at his family home and took me out on the town each day after he finished work and showed me round the city he calls home. What a legend.

Cross Country America...

There is so much to see and do in America, you could continuously travel this country for a year on end and not come close to seeing it all!
I saw what I could in 8 weeks. What I saw was good.
I must have looked hungry a lot of the time every where I went people fed me, even sitting on top of a lookout at Zyon canyon some nice girls offered me their dried fruits. Not to mention the amazing steaks Cristina's Dad cooked for me. Plus the lobsters Muff's Mum threw down for us. Even the rad burger bar where all the famous people hang that Andy took me to. Americans really love food. I have never talked about food so much as I did in America. The reality was Americans are generous and accommodating to no end.

God bless America.

Friday, February 18, 2011

America - Washington...

Arlington Memorial pretty thought provoking and emotional place.
America's involvement and place in present conflicts around the world can be debated to no end. There is no denying the fact but that they saved our arse in world war II.

Abu Dhabi - Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque...

The one thing really worth seeing in Abu Dhabi is the Sheik Zayed Grand Mosque. Sticks out amongst the surrounding nothing like a sore thumb that has been dressed with gold, pearls and precious stones...
Pretty amazing structure, it only cost them USD $ 545 million to build. It does host the worlds largest carpet, and once the worlds largest chandelier now the worlds second largest...

Abu Dhabi - Ferrari World...

Worlds fastest rollercoaster... Worlds biggest let down! Wasn't even open, and neither was its second best ride. In short Ferrari world sucks. They had a total of about 10 cars and the only rides they had open were extremely nauseating 3D rides with terrible graphics and the kids rides which they wouldn't let me on. Yes I tried to get on the kids rides I was that bored...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Abu Dhabi... The New Dubai?

Abu Dhabi has the potential to be amazing!... in 10 years time... right now it is merely a maze of construction barriers and a sea of cranes.
I was stoked to find a piece of what they call 'beach' in Abu Dhabi. It was basically what felt like man made sand dumped on the bank of an estuary, at least the water was salty and the girls were allowed out in bikini's, but with every girl came about 10 guys greased and roided to the max and more in love with their own reflection than Snow Whites Evil Queen Stepmother... Anyways for it being the middle of winter I was stoked to be soaking up some rays, sand and saltwater. Almost felt like home... Almost...
To think this place borders with Saudi Arabia does somewhat boggle the mind, there really isn't a lot of comparison between the two.

Abu Dhabi - New Years 10/11

Fresh food and real booze. It had been a while.