Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Salisbury Surrounds...

Salisbury January 2011
First trip back to the 'real world' from Saudi Arabia, I figured I would head out to the country for a few days relaxation before heading into old London. A daily dose of English breakfasts and a few ales to wash down the tastey bacon was the order of every morning. It had been 5months since my last feast of bacon at the Beanstalk in the Gong so I didn't waste time making up for it.

Salisbury turned out to be an interesting little place, to the north of Salisbury lies the Stonehenge and an old school castle ruin that hosted an awesome view of Salisbury. Hung out with King Arthur the present day Druid King at the Stonehenge a very eccentric man who even wore his crown and robes when getting his passport photo taken. Dudes a bonified bizzarro but super nice and funny as hell! He's one of those guys that has pretty much tried everything legal and illegal and has somehow lived to tell his crazy tales, kept me laughing for a good 40 minutes whilst I waited for my bus in the lovely minus 2 degrees English winter heatwave...

Salisbury is definitely a place where the elderly come to holiday and the youth bail at the first chance they get. Everyone here was either 20 or younger or 60 and older its like a town that a whole generation has just vanished from. My breakfast haunt sometimes looked like a nursing home I was forever dodging the old fogies and their walkers.

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